We’ve had a heavier than normal amount of rain this summer, and I’m sure you’ve noticed an increase in the number of bugs inside and around your home.
No matter the season, bugs tailor their behaviour to match what's happening with the weather, and that’s particularly noticeable after constant damp weather. You may notice insects like mosquitoes, fire ants, and wasps out and about in far greater numbers than usual—and that can be a problem.
Mosquitoes love moisture and humidity, and all of that rain can cause the local mosquito population to explode. Rain leaves stagnant pools of water—both on the ground and in places like plant pots, birdbaths, and even kids’ toys that can provide mosquitoes with loads of prime habitat for
Many mosquitoes lay their eggs in this kind of standing water, and if allowed to mature, these young mosquitoes will emerge from the water in 7 to 10 days. Other types of mosquitoes lay their eggs in moist soil in low lying areas; after the area floods, the eggs hatch, releasing huge numbers of the pests.
Other bugs also come out en masse following periods of heavy rain, as the water soaks into the ground and fills their nests with water. Ants (including fire ants) and subterranean termites will bustle to get to higher ground. During a big storm or long period of rain, they may even seek out shelter in places like your home. These insects will not return to their nests until the rain stops and the nests dry out.
While insect bites or stings alone may be harmless, in some cases they may transmit other diseases such as malaria or Lyme. Most bites cause mild stinging or itching. Common symptoms of a bite include skin irritation, inflammation or swelling, bump or blister around the bite mark. An insect bite will leave a puncture wound in the skin. The type of insect that you are bitten by can determine what type of reaction you will have. Insect bites will usually clear up in a day or two without any further treatment.
Some bites can trigger a life-threatening allergic reaction that requires emergency care. Breathing difficulty, facial swelling, dizziness, confusion and hives are symptoms of such a reaction.
Most bites go away on their own. Common treatments are for symptom relief and include pain relievers, ice packs and soothing lotions. Bites that trigger a severe allergic reaction may require emergency care.
Did you know that wearing the colour navy may deter mozzie from biting? Try it and see.
Consuming tonic water and Vit B are also said to prevent bites, which makes sense as tonic water contains quinine.
If you have a homeopathic first aid kit at home, use the following remedies. If you need to purchase any of these remedies, contact me directly.
Use Apis if the bite is hot, red & swollen with a watery appearance.
Use Ledum if the site is cold to touch, with a blue mottled look.
Use Rhus tox for a small blister like bite that is itchy.
Use Staphasagria for really bad bites that get infected.

Itchgoes contains powerful plant derived natural ingredients that reduce swelling, lessen itching, ease pain and help calm and soothe bites and stings.
Itchgoes decreases inflammation and has anti-bacterial qualities. It is safe to use on the whole family, from babies to people with sensitive skin. You can even use it on your pets.
You can roll Itch Goes on the soles of your feet or take a dose of Q tick to prevent bites. You can also take an oral dose of itch goes to prevent getting bitten.
Q Tick is good for: Tick or insect bites: gardeners, bush walkers, outside play, pets
The Q range of bioenergetic remedies has two products that can assist to support you. Available now for $25 per bottle, contact me directly to purchase.
RRP $25, contact me directly to purchase.
If you require further support or have individual health concerns, you can book in to see me here on the website or call me on 0415 847 429.