In last week’s blog post we looked at ways to promote healthy sleep. This week, I would like to look at sleep disturbances and their causes in more detail. We will also look at specific homeopathic remedies that are the most helpful. Don’t worry – there is always help at hand, but make sure to check in with your health professional and don’t self-diagnose.
The frustrating thing that patients report is that you cannot make yourself fall asleep, just as you can’t digest your food faster. Sleep onset is not something you control; however, you can provide the right conditions for sleep, both in your mind and in your environment.
As more research is being done on sleep, we now know that sleep is an active state. Where we used to think that everything shut down when we fell asleep, scientists are aware that our brains are active while our body is asleep. In fact, some parts of the brain use more oxygen and glucose asleep than awake!
We also know that the deepest stage of rest happens in the first 3 hours (slow wave sleep). The dream stage (Rapid eye movement sleep) occurs later in the night, which is why we can sometimes remember dreams when we first wake.
Insomnia, which is the inability to fall asleep or stay asleep.
Frequent waking
Sleep apnoea
Disrupted circadian rhythm due to shift work, jet lag, new baby
Poor bedding, covers are too hot, room is too bright, too hot or too cold.
Anxiety or worry
Chronic pain
Incontinence or enlarged prostate
Drug or alcohol use
Hormonal changes i.e. menopause
Lack of sleep can have significant impacts on daily life. Feelings of irritability are normal, as is tiredness and inability to concentrate. Mood swings are common as is lack of libido, after all, you need energy to feel ‘in the mood’, don’t you?
Losing your sense of humour is a common side effect, as is lack of motivation, general apathy and lack of interest in life.
If you have experienced periods of sleeplessness, you know that the feelings can often mimic mild depression. Rest assured, that with some small lifestyle adjustments and the support of homeopathic remedies, good restful sleep is possible and within reach.
Good for insomnia and an overactive mind
Restlessness and edginess
Disturbed sleep cycles due to interrupted sleep cycles, ie jet lag, night shift, new baby
Sleep disturbance due to night terrors
Fear of the dark and being alone
Inability to sleep due to active mind
Grief, worry
These remedies and more are available to purchase via my clinic.
If you need more personal one on one support you can make an appointment to see me via the website or call on 0415847429.
Here is an affirmation I like to use to help me fall asleep if I am feeling restless.
I release the day with love and fall into a deep and peaceful sleep.