Best Parenting advice for feeling overwhelmed
How To Be The Best Mum You Can Be.

I get it, it’s hard to stay calm, balanced, fit and well-nourished when you are a mum.
I’m a mum of 2 young children too.
I mean how can you possibly do anything for yourself when you are constantly making sure the kids are fed, dropped off, picked up and doing their homework… never mind doing the house work, and/ or somehow maintaining a ‘real’ job…… God forbid that you should have poor sleepers….. exhaustion definition!
It’s no surprise that you are constantly feeling tired, overwhelmed, stressed, unmotivated and sick all the time
And now, you are finding yourself with chronic fatigue, food intolerance's, allergies, anxiety, stress, depression and sleep issues – things you never thought that YOU of all people would be struggling with. After all you are invincible, aren’t you? You are a mum and everyone else comes first…… don’t they? These are the symptoms of being overwhelmed.
I’ve been there too- trying to be everything to everyone all the time.
You know you can’t carry on like this.
And I speak from experience when I say ‘There is a way out!’
The Way Out
You know you should be eating better, you know you are sensitive to particular foods, you know you need more sleep and you wish you had the discipline to get up early and meditate every day, you’ve even tried tapping for your exhaustion (which personally I think is fabulous)….and actually, in fact, during the times of life when you have managed to do all these things, everything has been so much better for a while, but realistically you just don’t have the time, space or capacity to keep up with all the ‘Should’s’.
It’s time for a change:
Did you know that our bodies actually have the ability to heal themselves when given the right environment to heal in? But often, when there is a lot going on and we are feeling overwhelmed, we may get too exhausted to heal ourselves…..
Exhaustion treatment:
The steps:
You need to be heard, you need someone to Really listen to you
You need to step back and look at the whole picture
You need to uncover the root cause of your current condition
You need a solution that is individually prescribed to you and your exact combination of needs
The first time I saw a Homeopath I was so relieved to have someone listen, I felt like there was someone able to look at my whole situation objectively, not wanting to just give me a band aid to cover up my symptoms, but to truly understand my current reality on all levels, mental, physical and emotional and work towards addressing my symptoms from the root cause.
I was prescribed a remedy that literally shifted my energy and gave me the motivation to to make better choices that were right for me at the time.
I have found that over time I am getting to know myself so much better and am able to make decisions that best support me and my health in the long term, not just a quick fix. Looking after myself was the best parenting advice I have ever received.
A homeopathic remedy will literally ‘shift’ your energy and enable you to make the right choices for you. It brings about clarity and understanding. There is no ‘one size fits all’ approach, the remedy is individually prescribed to your exact experience, mentally, physically and emotionally. It is catalyst to healing. The remedies are gentle acting and allow you to heal from the inside out, and at your own pace, whether that be in a few hours or over a few months.
Although we experience similar feelings or physical symptoms, there are always very specific idiosyncrasies that are unique to us individually and this needs to be accounted for.
As your life force/immunity starts to re align and you are feeling more energized you will begin to notice the circumstances around you changing for the better.
Along with your new found energy and motivation, you will feel empowered to be the best you that you can be. You will be drawn to the right foods, exercise and supportive activities, your stress levels will stabilize and your ability to heal will be optimized.
Not only have I experienced this energy shift myself after taking a remedy specific for me, but I see it in clinic every day:
The mum in her 40’s with 3 kids that was prescribed the remedy Sepia then finally actually hired a cleaner that she has been meaning to after 10 years of back pain and is now pain free and less overwhelmed
The woman in her late 30’s with a history of grief that she hasn’t allowed herself to process, that lead to chronic fatigue and thyroid imbalances that is now comfortable with scheduling in a rest day once a fortnight, who’s thyroid function has normalised and is no longer suffering with chronic fatigue after taking the remedy Nat mur
The single mum that realises that she doesn’t have to ‘soldier on’ doing things she doesn’t feel comfortable doing and has significantly reduced her anticipation anxiety after taking Arg Nit
And, the one that becomes strong enough to say no to the extra glasses of wine in the evening that she usually uses to cope with the ‘witching hour’ and is able to remain calm and happy after taking the remedy Nux vom and her allergy symptoms are now barely present
We need to realise that when we are happy, sleeping well and feeling strong our family will be happy, sleep well and feel strong. Our ‘energy’ influences the whole family so when we are feeling balanced so is the family.
The World Health Organization (WHO) defines health as “not merely the absence of disease or infirmity, but a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being” and the actions we take towards reaching health is defined as wellness.
Once we are feeling strong, healthy and free of dis-ease, the world around us changes to support this new found peace, true peace from the center of our being.
Homeopathy takes the totality of symptoms that you are experiencing and addresses them as one, bringing about lasting change, building resilience and promoting wellness in your journey towards optimal health.
I love it when mums experience the beautiful healing qualities of homeopathy, it is so gentle yet so effective and can make the world of difference to your daily experience of life.
It makes the journey so much more enjoyable.
Seeing mums, strong, healthy, free and empowered is the most rewarding feeling for fellow mums, friends, family and practitioners.
Homeopathic practitioners are available all over the world, so why not find your local homeopathic clinic or come and see me for a chat (or a skype call) and together we will uncover the root cause of your current state and empower you to be a better mum, wife/partner friend and best of all, You!